
Пътуващи приказки

"Пътуващи приказки“ е колекция от 15 детски приказки, събрани от цял свят и написани от деца, принудени да напуснат своите домове в търсене на по-спокоен и безопасен живот. Освен оригиналните текстове, всеки разказ е преведен на български и английски език и е допълнен от автентична детска рисунка, вдъхновена от историята. Нестандартният формат на книгата я прави още по-интересна за малките читатели, като освен магията на детските приказки, тя предлага и интерактивна част, в която те ще могат сами да довършат рисунките. 


Един ден една малка мишка казала на своята майка:

- Аз вече съм голям, остави ме да изляза сам и да си поиграя навън.

Майката мишка била много грижовна и винаги била близо до своето мишле, но като видяла колко е пораснал синът ѝ и колко много искал да опознае външния свят, тя най-накрая се съгласила.

Мишокът бил повече от щастлив – той изтърчал горд, защото вече се чувствал пораснал мишок. Обикалял напред-назад, изпълнен с радост. Изведнъж пред него изскочило малко котенце. „Ура! Ще си имам дори и нов приятел!“ – помислил си той.

 Котенцето също било за пръв път само навън. Щом видяло малкото мишле, то се приближило бавно и очаровано казало:

- Искаш ли да си играем? - Котенцето веднага се съгласло.

Двете малки животинки започнали да се забавляват. Боричкали се и се въргаляли по земята, боксирали се с лапичките и си хапели ушичките, после си гонели в кръг опашките и увлечени в играта, забравили за всичко останало, докато слънцето не започнало да залязва. Тогава  те се разделили като си обещали утре пак да се видят да същото място.

Двете животинчета се прибрали вкъщи и нямали търпение да разкажат на майките си. Първо започнало мишлето:

- Ако знаеш колко се забавлявах само! Запознах се с нов приятел и си играхме през целия ден. Когато излизам вече няма да съм сам!

  Майката се замислила и казала:

- Това е много хубаво, синчето ми, разкажи ми повече за твоя приятел. Как изглежда той?

- О, мамо, само ако можеше да го видиш! Малко е по-голям от мен, козината му е мекичка като коприна и има дълга и рунтава опашка. Когато говори, казва „мяу, мяу“.

Майката мишка спряла да слуша какво говори сина ѝ. Тя почуствала, че ще припадне, било цяло чудо, че детето ѝ било още живо!

Мое малко дете, приятелят ти е котка! Тези създания ядат мишки. По-добре си стой вкъщи, за твоя собствена сигурност.

Мишлето не разбрало и дума от това, което казвала майка му. Как може такова сладко малко приятелче да яде мишки?!  

Когато котето се прибрало в своята къща, то също заразказвало превъзбудено. Майката котка била много доволна да види сина си толкова щастлив и поискала малкото котенце да ѝ разкаже повече за своя нов приятел.

- О, мамо, само ако можеше да го видиш! Той е много по-мъничък от мен, има малка тънка опашчица и не говори като нас, а само казва нежно „църрр, църрр“.

- Малък глупак! – извикала майка му - И ти не го изяде? Това е било мишка, а мишките са това, което ядем. Котките ядат мишките. Винаги е било така и винаги ще бъде така. Утре трябва да го намериш и щом го видиш, да го хванеш в лапите си и да го удушиш! Разбра ли ме?

Котенцето не можело да повярва на ушите си. Да го изяде?! Но тогава с кого ще си играе? То се обърнало към баща си за помощ, но и той потвърдил казаното:

- Мое дете, послушай майка си. Котките ядат мишки откакто свят светува. Утре трябва да ни покажеш що за котка си ти. Веднага щом малкият мишок се приближи до теб, трябва да скочиш върху него и да го победиш. Докажи ни, че си истинска котка!

Когато утрото настъпило, котенцето излязло навън, за да търси мишлето, но от него нямало и следа. Тогава то видяло малка дупчица и когато погледнало в нея, разпознало малките блещукащи очички, които го гледали. С най-сладкото си и нежно гласче, котето казало:

- Здравей! Излез навън да си поиграем, както вчера.

Но малкото мишле отговорило тъжно:

- Никога! Всичко, което твоите родители са ти разказали вчера, моите го разказаха на мен.

И така, историята, в която котето научило за мишките и мишлето, което научило за котките, свършва тук.

Лина Салех Али, 11

Иман Салех Али, 12


travelling stories1 ok

About the Cat and the Mouse

One day, a little mouse said to his mother, “I’m big now. Let me go outside and play on my own. It’s not fair to keep me cooped up in this hole.”

The mouse’s mother had always watched over him carefully. She feared the dangers that threaten small mice. Most of all, she feared the cat, who would pounce on her child and eat him.

But at last, seeing how much her son had grown and how keen he was to explore the outside world, she agreed. “Very well, but don’t stay outside too long, and, above all, beware of the cat. He is our greatest enemy.”

The little mouse was thrilled. At last his dream was coming true. He was going outside alone, with no parents to scold him.

He ran outside, cheerful and proud. He felt like a grown-up mouse. He could go anywhere he wished, all by himself. He scurried around. Sometimes he stopped and raised his head, looking to the left, then to the right. Then he ran back and forth, delirious with happiness.

He was full of his new-found joy when he saw a little cat. “Oh, hooray,” he said to himself. “I can have a nice friend if this pretty little creature will play with me.”

The kitten was also out on his own for the very first time. As soon as he saw the little mouse, he said to himself, “What a pretty, sweet little creature. If only he wants to play with me!” He approached the little mouse as softly as he could.

The little mouse was delighted. “Do you want to play with me?”

The cat replied, “Yes, I do!”

The two young animals began to play tag. They wrestled and rolled on the ground. They boxed with their paws. They bit each other’s ears. They ran around in circles, chasing each other’s tails, but always gently, delighted with their game.

They forgot everything else until the sun began to set. The little mouse said to the kitten, “That’s enough for now. I’m afraid Mama will scold me. Goodbye.”

The kitten replied, “I’m sorry we have to stop. Goodbye. But tomorrow morning we’ll meet again and play like we did today.”

The little ones returned to their homes. When the mouse saw her son, she was relieved.

“Where were you, my child? I was so afraid for you. You were gone the whole day. I was very worried. I was afraid the cat had devoured you. Never stay outside such a long time! It’s not safe.”

But the little mouse was full of the day’s fun. He was impatient with his mother’s warnings. Finally he interrupted, “Oh, if I told you everything… I made a friend. We played together all day long. Oh, Mother, if you could see how cute he is, how handsome, how friendly. I’m sure you would like him. From now on, when I go outside, I won’t be alone. Now I have a friend to play with, from morning till night.”

His mother grew thoughtful. “Yes, my son, that’s good. But tell me a little more about your friend. Can you describe him to me?”

“Oh, Mama, if you only saw him! He is a little bigger than I am but not too much. And his head is a little large and round. And his fur is as soft as silk, so nice to stroke. And he is yellow, and his tail is about that long and thick. And he doesn’t talk the way we do. It’s so pretty to hear him. He says, ‘Me…ow! Me…ow! Me…ow!’ Or he says, ‘Me…ew! Me…ew! Me…ew!’”

Mother Mouse was no longer listening. She had nearly fainted. What she had dreaded most had happened. It was a miracle her child was still alive.

“My dear child, your little friend is a cat! Creatures like that eat mice. He must still be very small and not yet know that mice are his daily food. But beware. His parents will tell him. Don’t go near him again.”

The little mouse didn’t understand a thing his mother said. How could such a sweet little friend ever think of eating him? He turned to his father.

Father Mouse laughed softly. Finally he said, “My little son, cats are our most dangerous enemies. Listen to your mother. Stay inside, safe from the cat. We’re warning you for your own good.”

That was the scene in the mouse’s home. Now let’s see what happened when the kitten went home. His mother was also upset and asked why he had stayed outside so long.

The kitten said, “Dear Mother, if you’d only seen the little friend I met. He’s so handsome, so cute. We played together all day long. We pretended to fight. He bit me; I bit him. He made me fall down. I made him fall down. I’m so lucky to find a good friend. I’ll never be alone when I go outside to play.”

Mother Cat was delighted to see her child so happy. Finally, she said, “Tell us about your pretty little friend.”

Oh, Mama, if you saw him! He is little, much smaller than I am. He has a pretty, thin little tail. His little head isn’t round like mine. But he has such a pretty nose, narrow and pointed. His ears are pointed too, and so small. And he doesn’t talk like us. He says softly, ‘squeak, squeak’.”

“Little fool,” said his mother. “And you didn’t eat him? That was a mouse! And mice, you little nitwit, are what we eat. Do you understand? Cats eat mice. Always. And you actually had a mouse between your paws and let it get away and are proud of yourself? I am ashamed to have such a stupid child. Tomorrow, you must look for him. As soon as he is near, pounce. Grab him and gobble him up. Do you understand?”

The kitten could not believe his ears. “Eat him? But why? And then who would I play with?”

His father burst out laughing. “My son, listen to your mother. Cats eat mice and have since the world began. Tomorrow we will see what kind of cat you are. As soon as the little mouse comes near, jump on him and devour him. Show us that you are a real cat.

When morning came, the kitten went outside in search of the little mouse. But there was no trace of the mouse anywhere. Not in the courtyard. Not in the street.

Then the kitten saw a tiny hole. He watched it carefully and recognized the shiny eyes of his little mouse friend, safe inside his home.

In his sweetest, slyest voice, the kitten said, “Hello. Come on out, and we’ll play as we did yesterday.”

But the little mouse cried out, “Never! Everything your father and mother told you yesterday, my father and mother told me.”

And so the story ends, of the mouse who learned about cats and the kitten who learned about mice.

Lina Saleh Ali, 11

Iman Saleh Ali, 12


travelling ok

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